Thousands of sights in one place – explore Hungary with the help of our trip planner.
We have collected the sights of Hungary which are recommended to visit if you plan a trip.
Discover the cultural, historical and travel offers of Hungary.
You can call the institution directly from our app or plan your trip using its features. More than two thousand sights – museums, mansions, churches and chapels, castles and ruins, natural attractions, industrial heritage sites and visitor centres – await your visit.
More than 7000 hotels, pensions, apartments, guesthouses and campsites can be found in our database along with their most important information and contact details. You can even check their prices and available rooms. In addition to sights and hotels, we also collected restaurants: you can find pastry shops, cafés, restaurants and fast-food restaurants as well.
We regularly update the details of the festivals and events organised in the areas surrounding the sights.
New in version 2.0:
- more content
- improved search
- an Around me option while searching
- display search result on the map
- the Nearby feature allows searching in the neighbourhood of a sight
- the Forward feature allows sending information to your friends via e-mail, text, or other messaging services available on the devicee
- rating system
- download tour guides of educational trails