Meló-depó Iskolai Szövetkezet

The MELÓ-DEPÓ 2000. Iskolai Szövetkezet has many years of professional experience in arranging employment for students. Nearly 25 project leaders work in 4 counties (Pest, Csongrád, Fejér and Bács-Kiskun) and 5 offices altogether. This ensures that students find the most suitable job as soon as possible and that there is always an appropriate amount of jobs available.

The purpose of the Meló-depó app is to make it even easier to look at job offers, provide a simple and quick way to sign up for jobs and to instantly notify the students about relevant news.

Main features of the app:

  • receive personal and group messages with the current offers via push notification
  • daily updated job offers
  • users can mark offers
  • sign up for jobs directly from the app
  • work-related news and information
  • share offers on Facebook